Saturday, 27 October 2012

The Battle for Mobile Supremacy

It’s been more than 16 years since mobiles actually entered the world markets. There have been significant changes to the size, style, feel, brands and technologies. Large sized mobiles that were predominant in the early phase were replaced by small sized ones. This was followed by Flip models that started gaining a lot of attention after 2005 . Today, we have again moved to large sized models.
Now there have been phenomenal changes as far a technology is concerned. Nokia single-handedly drove the entire mobile industry for almost a decade. The early part of 21st century saw an upsurge of cell phone models from Samsung and Motorola. But even then Nokia remained the market leader.
Apple came into existence and brought in a standard called iPhone. During the same time Android phones also started hitting the market. This was a revolutionary wave and the mobile technology that was driven by Symbian operating system found a completely new dimension. Window 7 and Windows 8 also started catching up.
Nokia’s problem was that they had invested so much on the Symbian platform that they just could not get beyond that OS. During the same time, the flexibility of companies like Samsung, HTC and Motorola helped them to diversify their technology base. They switched from Symbian to Android and even to Windows 7. These were truly classic technologies and offered amazing user friendliness and appeal to the end user. Nokia entered into Windows 7 and 8 platforms quite late and that proved to be a costly mistake. Obviously, the market that was dominated by Nokia started shredding. The Apples, the Samsungs and the HTCs started taking away a fair share of the cell phone market.
Today, with iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3, the battle for Supremacy still continues. Nokia Lumia is probably the only brand that can give Nokia an edge. However, Samsung and Apple have literally captured this space now.
So what do you think? Which cell phones would rule? Apple, Android or Windows 8?

KG school Admissions

I have just started the expedition of getting my son’s admission. I remember 20-25 years ago it used to be a pretty straightforward process. There was only one board unlike the 3-4 options that you have right now. Every school had the same syllabus and the only factors that primarily influenced school selection were ‘Medium’ and ‘proximity from home’.

Earlier you just visited the principal of the school with your parents. You were asked some basic questions on identifying animals and it was done. Some schools required you to pay some donations and even the fees were very affordable. Hardly any complications!! Today, the things have changed drastically. The ‘Medium’ factor has been broken down into a sub-factor called ‘boards’.
Selection is quite tedious. Lottery system is predominant and if your kid really gets admission then you might call for a big celebration. Parents are ready to admit their kids in schools located 10 miles off from home without any sort of issues. I remember, I had to switch my school when my house moved by not more than 4 miles. But those were different days. Today things are no longer the same. Parents want their children to be admitted to the most reputed schools. I am strictly okay with this type of desire considering that it’s anyone’s personal decision. But realistically, does school really make any difference? Or so to say, do these high quality & top-notch schools really create top quality students and citizens? I am not really confident on that.

I understand school lays the foundation for an individual. But to say that school is the topmost criteria doesn’t really gel with me. After all, it depends on the ability of the individual. Why do you need your school to have a central AC. Or in other words, how does having an Air conditioning system enhance the performance of students? One of the schools that I visited recently said that they had central AC and they took great care of their children. What Crap is that? I mean you need to have some amenities. But making your children dwell in a completely artificial climate is just going to kill the natural essence.

Education is the foremost. Having a great syllabus doesn’t guarantee anything. The School board, school amenities, Central AC, School Buses everything is secondary. What matters most is the quality of teaching. Nothing else does.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Corruption will expedite Inflation

World Economies are in a bad shape. Is there anything that can to be done to substantially curb inflation? The most critical and challenging aspect of controlling inflation is by wiping out corruption. The amount of black money is so huge that if used properly it can help 10 million poverty-stricken families live a joyous life.

Developing economies like India are struggling due to corruption. It starts at the root level and progresses to the topmost level. You yourself are the primary instigator of corruption. Aren’t you? Have you never paid bribe to the traffic police to escape from the penalty of breaking a traffic signal? Corruption starts at the bottommost layer. Giving bribes to get your work done is most common form of corruption. Politicians have been taking advantage of the helplessness of common public. Anything and everything happens under the table. From getting a house gas connection to the selection of an IPL team, all channels are deeply rooted in corruption. The basic question is how do you stop it?

You can start it at your individual level. If each person thinks the same way and refrains from it then it would definitely lead to some sort of harmony. It will take some time but it has to be imbibed in the blood of people. Extremely harsh penalties for those taking and giving bribes is the need of the hour. There is unbelievable amount of black money floating around. Majority of the money goes in the pockets of the filthy rich people. All guilty people involved in this black business need to be punished irrespective of who they are. Otherwise, the rich will continue to be richer and the poor will get poorer.

Inflation has been increasing in the past few years. If corruption is not controlled then there would be a time when one kg of rice would cost a whopping 1000 rupees. Would sound exaggerating but this can turn into a reality very soon.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Review of 'Heroine' - Bollywood movie

I really wanted to watch this Madhur Bhandarkar’s much awaited release. The day was Saturday night, the day after the theatrical release. It was the Last show in Cinemax.
Has Madhur Bhandarkar really done better than his previous movies?

The answer is really iffy. I mean, I can understand all the glitz and sham of film world but exaggerating it so much doesn’t really serve any purpose. If you have watched Page 3, Fashion and Corporate then just mix it together. The feel I got while watching ‘Heroine’ was all the same. If I spell it out then it’s all about Drugs, Sex, Pressure, Power, interaction with bisexual people and that’s all. I think I am getting a monotonous feel in all Bhandarkar movies now. I understand that he wants to broadcast reality and the darker side of life.

Give me a break! These are not the only things really happening in the world. There are a lot more topics to be covered. Bhandarkar has brought about a lot of sameness in this movie. We have all seen it in the past.
There is a definitely some punch value in ‘Heroine’. If you have not seen Page 3 or fashion then you would surely like the concept and the way it is presented. There are good chances that you might get zapped.

Kareena has done a mind boggling job. This has been by far the most impactful performance of the year!! Arjun rampal and randeep hooda have been wasted. Their roles could have been much better. The art direction and sound effects has been terrific. All in all, I feel Bhandarkar could have done much better with the storyline. Repetitive plots and abrupt ending without any realistic message doesn’t really appeal you.

You just can’t have movies that always end like documentary films and keep you thinking. I was not too excited with the ending especially when it comes so late in the night.

Bring on something new that will really revitalise people. Get some real quality message. I am a great admirer of Bhandarkar’s work. It has been an overdose of media and entertainment world now. He must bring on something over and above these topics, something that will realistically convey a powerful message and charge up his fans.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

What do you do when Stock markets are up in the past few weeks?

Stock markets have faced really torrid times in the last 2 -3 years. The subprime housing crisis in US had triggered a major downfall. There was an intermediate recovery and then it was Europe that spoiled the party. Greece has been still struggling under regular finance deficits. Euro has lost its charm. My foremost question is what has world economies done to recover. I don’t find any positive answer.
US and European exports have been struggling under immense pressure for some time now. The growth has been extremely sluggish and in fact negative in most European countries. The world economy is definitely under enormous pressure. Printing excess currency to fill deficits is not going to work too long. Some major economic reforms need to be induced. Excess paper cannot help you to sustain your economy. It is merely a strategy to alleviate the pain by prolonging the treatment for your wounds. Does this help? Well, it does for a shorter time period. But that’s really not going to work for the longer duration. Inflation is going to burn common man’s hands like never before. Talk about developing countries that thrive on export, they would be screwed more than anyone. Unless they have a self -sufficient economy, which is difficult to imagine, they will suffer endless miseries.

Stock market going up in the last few weeks is just some type of false correction. A major crash is in store for the future. It reminds me of the 2007 bubble when anything and everything went up irrespective of the fundamentals. Beware as such a situation is just around the corner. No matter what some of the top analysts say, just give them your ear but do as per your instincts. Remember these are the same analysts that were giving higher targets just before the mega crash in 2008. Sell stocks in small amounts on every rise. Eat up your profits. Don’t let the greediness dominate you.

You will find multiple opportunities to get into the market. It’s time to secure your money and park it in tangible assets.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to increase your website's conversion rate?

In today's era, internet has become an unbelievable marketing platform. It provides you a means to enhance your business through online marketing. If you are targeting a particular section of audience then it is imperative to retain your existing clients. There are various means to increase the conversion rate of your website. Here are a few tips that will help you in doing so:

1. The first impression of your website is its visual appeal and user friendliness. The look of your website can be simple but it must be appealing. Also, you need to provide your customers a easy to use interface. They should be able to navigate within the website and explore things effortlessly. Ensure that your website can be accessed through all web browsers and your site doesn't take a lot of time to load. A complicated website with slow loading times can take your clients off. Simplicity and usability is the key to enhance the transaction count of your customers.

2. Remember that customer brings you not only revenue but ever lasting relationships. So, never fool the customer by using cheap marketing gimmicks for your website. Your content must be true and factual. If you are not honest with your customer then you will lose his trust. This will bring down your repeat value. It takes lot of time to build an image but it takes seconds to crush it.

3. Don't seek unnecessary information from the customer. Time is money. If the customer is filling information to buy a television set then asking him ridiculous questions on his hobbies, likes and dislikes will surely annoy him. So make sure that you don't ask things that will pester your clients. When you are getting any information always ensure that you keep it simple and to the point.

4. If your website is selling a lot of products then it is required to ensure that you provide various payment options to your users. It is necessary to make sure that your users get multiple choices to pay for their purchases. If the choices are too limited then the range of your customers would also narrow down. Also ensure that you have a very clear cut return policy and you stick to it. For instance: if you market yourself as 'Get it today and return tomorrow if you don't like' then it is your responsibility to ensure that you don't dissatisfy your customers when they want refund. Settle the issues amicably and always ensure to set and follow clear policies that are beneficial to your business.

5. Understand your unique selling point. That's the one which will drive the customers to your online stores. Your USP can be anything like 100% Quality, very economical prices, 100% warranty, free support & maintenance and quick replacements. You must understand that the customer is choosing you instead of your competitors because of your USP. Make sure that the customer is never dissatisfied because you faltered on your USP. This will surely damage your market image.
Always remember to give your customer real value for money and you will definitely improve the conversion rate for your website.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Fundamental difference between Social Science research and Natural Science Research

What is the fundamental difference between Social Science research and Natural Science Research?

Social science and Natural science research help in the growth and development of economies.
In Social science Research we commonly find subjectivity. In natural science you will always see objectivity.

In Social Science research personal prejudices and bias may distort the data and hence the conclusion. In natural science research personal prejudices and bias do not affect the roles the data or result.
Social scientist lab is society or world at large and a social scientist has no control over the equipments or factors that influence them. Natural Scientists work in lab where they can control the conditions and environments.

In social science research the result of investigation are at best generalizations. In natural science research the results of investigations are well defined by natural laws.

Social phenomena are known as symbolically through words as welfare, tradition or systematic. Natural science phenomena can be best known directly through our senses like eyes, ears and nose.
The data obtained in social sciences may vary simultaneously. The data obtained in physical sciences is more reliable and consists of actual results.

The rate of progress of social science research is less due to less availability of finance. The rate of progress in scientific research is very high due to high availability of finance.
To sum up, one can easily say that though both sciences are having certain shortcomings both have played significant role in socio-economic and technological developments of many undeveloped and well developed economies.

In short, the major differences between social science research and natural science research lie more in the object than in the subject. The natural scientist bases all his analysis on the data he or she gathers through scientific methods. On the contrary, the social scientists who are known for their outstanding research work do not take a scientific view in day to day affairs of life and society.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to prepare delicious Tandoori Chicken

By the end of this recipe preparation session Tandoori Chicken you would know an innovative way of preparing tandoori chicken.

1. Get some skinless legs of Chicken from the market.
2. Make some deep incision into the Tandoori legs with a knife.
3. Create a paste of ginger and garlic along with onion Juice.
4. If you have 4 legs then you need to mix 4 table spoons of red chilli powder with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder. Add the onion Juice and ginger-garlic paste to this mixed powder and create a thick solution.
5. Apply this solution to the leg cuts and keep them open for 7-10 minutes.
6. Now add some lemon juice and salt on all the pieces.
7. Let it settle down for 5-10 minutes. This will bring all flavours together and enhance the taste.
8. The best taste of tandoori chicken can be obtained if it is cooked with some oil and butter.
9. Heat your frying pan with one scoop of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil.
10. Once the oil is hot enough put all your leg pieces in the pan. Along with some parmesan
11. Make sure the parmesan blends seamlessly into your tandoori.
12. Fry it until the side of the leg becomes light brown.
13. Once it does turn the legs around and heat the other side.
14. Once both sides become brown, you need to heat it for another 4 minutes by closing the lid of the pan.
15. Take your leg pieces out. By this time they must be medium brown and ready to serve.
16. Put some coriander leaves on top of it and serve the pieces with some green chutney

Your delicious Tandoori chicken in ready!!!!!!!!!!

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to make more money online?

There are a number ways to make money through online business. If you are an internet savvy person then you have remarkable opportunities of earning online. Here are a few of them:

You could set up an online shopping account with sites like and sell your products online. You will need to have a Paypal account and a credit card. There would be some basic costs associated, so you might need to shell out some money.

Blogging is a very influential medium to target different sectors of audience and help sell business ideas. If you have creative writing skills then you could earn money through your blogs. If your blogs go viral on the web then you could get more money from advertisers. There are two ways to increase the traffic on your blogs:

1. Promoting your blogs through social networking sites - This is a cost effective way of marketing blogs. You will need to do some groundwork before you start marketing in this manner. This includes opening an account with Facebook or Twitter and creating friend circle, who love your views and ideas. You could also market your blogs through different community forums.

2. Marketing your blogs through professional marketing sites - You will need to spend some dollars towards membership fees and services. Also, you will need to choose an authentic and reputed marketing partner. These marketing sites use several tried and tested marketing strategies to increase traffic on your blogs and in turn help you in making money through online business.

There are a number of authentic websites for freelancers to get value for their skills. You can register with different sites like to help you make money online through business.

How does this really work?

Freelancing websites are tied up with clients needing different types of services and service providers. Let's say you are a certified financial planner and have registered yourself as a service provider at

You have the ability to search freelance jobs matching your skills and expertise. You can shortlist jobs that suit your areas of interest and submit proposals for various client openings. The client would evaluate the proposals and shortlist the right service provider for his project. If you get the project then you will need to work and submit a quality deliverable within a stipulated period of time. After delivery, if the client approves the project then the client will place appropriate funds into your paypal account. This entire structure is based on the relation of trust and helps you to make money through online business.

There are other authentic sites, which offer online jobs for research data collection and data entry. If you have the requisite skills then you could complete their assignment and get your dues. However, beware that there are a lot of scams. You will need to be extra-careful in your effort to make money through online business.

Finally, you can make money through online business but you need to choose the right platform

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

VMWare VCloud Eco-system framework

Strong Cross-IT collaboration is necessary for successful implementation of diverse applications and data services across organisations. A random survey result indicated that a substantial number of IT professionals consider cross-IT collaboration as an extremely crucial ingredient of any organization. Many of them felt that the lack of proper tools makes it extremely difficult to communicate and share data effectively.

Collaboration is the key element to enhance the scalability of your platform and services. A sample based analysis of more than 2003 BIG-IP product suites revealed that the majority of resource pools were in the bracket of either 10-50 or 100-999 members. Each member of the pool resembles an application service recognised uniquely by an IP address and port number. These services can be hosted on a physical or a virtual server. The average number of members across all Big-IPs was found to be 102. This means that there are a lot of individual services like Code, data and network that need to be managed and deployed seamlessly.
The application delivery controller is generally used as a strategic controller. It helps to control enormous changes within various application services like access control, security and capacity. This helps in successfully shielding the organisations from the impact of these changes. However, while executing this responsibility, the application delivery controller is itself susceptible to these huge impacts. In order to ensure comprehensive elasticity, the load balancing service must be aware of all its resource pool members. Efficient member monitoring and periodic health check-ups will ensure reliable management of the application and network services.
The collaborated solution of VMWare and F5 automates the entire application development life cycle. It is based on powerful technologies that integrate several application, data and network services flawlessly. The VMware vCloud Ecosystem Framework (vCEF) is designed to allow third party solutions communicate with the VMware vShield Manager. The VMware vShield Manager is integrated with the VMware vCloud Director. This facilitates dynamic data exchange over private or public cloud and assists in deployment of an integrated solution.

The bi-directional association between vShield Manager and F5 management solutions is possible due to F5's northbound API and vShield Manager's REST-based API. These act as interfaces for data exchange and event handling. This promotes easy deployment of both F5 iApp and VMware vApp. The application delivery services are installed when F5's management solution communicates through the southbound API and notifies appropriate F5 BIG-IP devices to execute the suitable iApp. If there is any addition or deletion of resource pool members then the iApp is re-executed. This provides considerable flexibility in managing members in a resource pool. The iApps developed on F5 can be deployed with exact application specific settings like optimal TCP, HTTP and other network parameters.

The VMware vCloud Ecosystem Framework can be used for automating the deployment processes. It helps to improve the operational efficiency by reducing the time spent on deployment activities. It also enriches the quality of deployments. This is one of many different solutions developed by VMware in collaboration with F5. VMware offers multiple solutions on VDI, server virtualization, data centers and a lot more. These solutions will address all your concerns on security, performance, delivery, reliability and deployment.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

The amazing "Word Lens Translation Apps"

Word Lens translation app is one of the most amazing and innovative translation apps for your iPhone camera. Word Lens provides state-of-the-art technology to translate text on your pictures into your native language. This unique application empowers your built-in video camera to support Spanish, French, Italian and English. It makes your iPhone camera experience exciting by enabling you to see everything in your preferred language.

It is one of the most pioneering translation apps, which provides you the ability to buy different language sets using the facility of add-on purchases.
It is available in the below packages:
- English and Spanish
- English and Italian
- English and French
Each package offers the remarkable flexibility to convert image text from one language into another with relative ease. It is important to note that language packs must be purchased separately from each of the Translation apps.
Some of the classic features of the Word Lens translation app are:
- Unique ability to perform on the fly translations
- No need of any network coverage
- Instant results on your video screen anytime and anywhere.
- Extremely easy to use like a normal camera.
- Immediate ability to search for translations by keying in the words.

To view the incredible feats of technology, you can take a crack at its various built-in illustrations.
These internal demonstrations are able to:
- Distinguish words in Spanish, Italian, English and French.
- Digitally erase the words.
- Print the words in the reverse order.

You will need to remember certain things about all translation apps and Word Lens is no exception.
- They provide best results on distinctly printed scripts like menus and signs.
- They do not comprehend handwriting or artificial characters
- They are not 100% flawless but help you understand the broad meaning.
- You will need to keep the focused script at least 2 feet away from the iPhone camera. In case of iPad and iPod this distance can be more.

Word Lens translation app comes with the following support to iOS devices:
- It requires iOS 4.0 or above.
- It supports iPhone 3gs/4/4S, iPad or iPod Touch having a video camera.
Word Lens translation app provides top-notch quality of translations to the users. It is one of most revolutionary translation apps available in the market.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Do you really need life insurance?

Yes, you do need insurance but only Term insurance. Period!!

Endowment policies are good for nothing. They are not going to benefit you whatsoever. What are the advantages these endowment policies have to offer? Hardly any!! Buts let’s do a check. Other than keeping your money stagnated for a long duration of time they typically don’t offer any value. Let’s say your insurance policy asks you to pay $500 yearly for the next 20 years. It promises you a risk cover of $10000. At the end of 20 years it promises you at least $12000 return.

Now you really need to ask yourself this simple question. What good is this policy if you are getting meagre $12000 on your overall investment of $10000 and that too at the end of 20 years? Ok you get a risk cover of $10000. That’s all fine. But this risk cover is only applicable until the duration of the policy.

Consider that the economic inflation rate is 7-8%. If you just invest your hard earned money in Fixed form of deposits or even in assets like gold then you will get better returns in a 20 year horizon. Law of compounding says that if you invest amount x today you will make at least 7 times x in 20 years. By that law if you invest 500 per year you must get around $16000 at the end of 20 years. And I am talking about the most secure form of investment. You take some more risk you would earn far more. The only benefit we are seeing with endowment insurance policies is the risk cover. But then why just not buy a term insurance. Split your $500 into 2 parts. Get a term insurance of $100000. Your premium won’t be more than $250 a year. Now the next part you can diversify and put in a mixture of safe and speculative assets like Gold, stocks or real estate.

Trust me. You will really make the best use of your money and cover all your risks by not investing in endowment policies. So the next time a marketing guy approaches you for selling a policy, you know what to do.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to market your website or blog post Penguin updates?

Google is an undisputed authority when it comes to positioning your website on the internet. It is the virtual internet marketing platform that governs the web. Your website's content is not always something that will get you to the top of the search engine results. There have been numerous tips and tricks used in the past to get your website noticed. Penguin Updates have literally penalized websites practicing immoral SEO techniques like stuffing articles with keywords, content duplication, content cloaking to fool search engines and unethical backlinking. Google has decreased the search engine rankings of such websites. The latest update of Penguin 1.1 is believed to impact more than 3.1% search conditions in English, Chinese, German and Arabic languages.

How to recover from the Google Penguin update?

Here are a few tips that will help you recover from the recent penguin updates:

The most crucial thing you need to do is to build a website targeting a specific niche. Your website must have quality content related to the topic as it will provide some real value. The content must be comprehensive and cover different aspects of your domain. You must know your actual consumer and your website must be really helpful to people. You must remember that Penguin will punish you if you stuff keywords. Optimum usage of keywords and diverse coverage of topics is the 1st step towards increasing the rank of your website.

Connect your website to social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter. You will need to form a big circle of fans and followers. You can then broadcast your website updates periodically. Your updates must be appealing and they should be able to draw the attention of your viewers. The style of your writing is very important as it will attract maximum fans. If your updates receive more likes and comments then that will surely increase the ranking of your website in the search results.

Browse through related forums and blogs specific to your niche and add your feedback or comments. Here you can provide the link to your website and publicise its benefits. You must visit a lot of high traffic sites in your domain and market your website regularly. This can be considered as spam. But you must understand that this is a marketing strategy that really works. The greater the number of references to your website the higher is your search engine index. What you really need is to derive some quality hits of the target audience to your website.

Another remarkable way of successful promotion is Guest posting. You will need to build a sound rapport with highly skilled people in your niche. You can visit their blogs, post some useful comments and build a bond with them. You can also add them on your Facebook or LinkedIn accounts. After comprehensive interaction, you can request them for a Guest post on your website. This is a great means of effective link building. If they write a guest post about your website on their highly trafficked blogs then it is almost certain to attract search engines and people towards your website.

All these techniques will help you to market your website successfully post the penguin updates.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Life after Death. Does it exists?

Do you really think there is life after death?
My friend Peter told me about a real life incident. His father’s office was in Chicago Downtown. On his way from Deerfield there is place called Buffalo Grove. One of his father’s friends had recently shifted from Detroit. He had a small son ‘Brian’ around 5-6 years age.

At that time, Peter was around 17 years of age and was studying at Illinois University. Peter and his dad were visiting this friend after 8 years. Peter had never expected what was going to be in store next. Bell rang!! Friend’s son opened the door and to everyone’s surprise he got hold of peter’s hand and said ‘ Hi Peter, It’s been such a long time. How are you doing? It’s been ages since we met’
That was a shocker. Peter replied ‘we never mate buddy’ But the boy asked him to show the mark on his legs. Peter was stunned,’ How anyone on earth knows about an injury that happened 10 years ago ’ Peter starred at his father curiously. The father asked him ‘ How do you know son?’ The answer that he got left everyone shocked. It seemed as if Peter and Jack were very close school friends. Once, while crossing the road both had met with a fatal accident. Somehow, Peter was able to survive with some wounds. But Jack left the world. He was reborn as Brian and somehow could recollect Peter and his father.

I don’t know really how much reality is there in this story. It might be a sheer coincidence. But it seems that there is life after death. Although, medical science hasn’t been able to prove anything concrete around this, there are many evidences that somehow incline towards this philosophy.

Human soul is energy. Body is destroyed but this energy still prevails. Science tells us energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. So if that’s the case what happens to the soul? It should take life in some another body. Shouldn’t it? What do you think?

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to be a Warren Buffet?

Ever wondered how you can make more than 20% returns consistently over a period of 40 years? My friend James used to think that this is plain rocket science and no one can do it. Your luck is the only driving factor. You really need tremendous luck and revolutionary ideas to go that far. Apply the law of compounding to your money and see how much profit it can generate.

I told James, “Dude, it’s not rocket science. Warren buffet did more than that” The question we struggle to answer is how is it possible to make sustainable returns over such a long period? How does the law of compounding help? No man can produce magic if he doesn’t have some of the real investment traits.

Warren buffet wouldn’t have been “Warren Buffet the greatest investors of all times” if he would have just sat idle doing nothing. The man has a charisma which is undeniable and profound. It is not that he has done every possible investment in his lifetime. He has never touched most of the stocks and obviously you don’t need to do everything. You just need to excel in what you do better. Isn’t it? All his investments have been based on terrific conviction. He has never touched anything that he doesn’t believe in.

How is Warren Buffet different from normal tom-dick-harry?
A normal tom-dick-harry is very impatient. A tom can create his pre-determined views based on the analysis of some expert Dick. A Warren Buffet in his younger days would do the analysis himself and approach companies to find out the real value of the company. People in the current age don’t have the time and energy to do it. Very few people have the ability to range their thoughts in a specific direction and then execute as per plan without the fear of loss. Warren Buffet is one of them. He scaled heights because he had the courage and patience to face losses and still emerge as a successful investor. What he had was Strong mind, Thoughts and Money. Therefore he knew how best he could invest it. Investing in Hersheys, when no one could really understand the business model that could be so successful is a classic example of one of the Buffet’s innumerable traits.

So, How to be a Warren buffet?
I don’t want to mince any words here. Base your actions on your conviction. Base your conviction on your analysis. Base your Analysis on Facts. Create a mind-set for investing long term. Have patience and follow this amazing mantra of investment.

Analysis- Courage- Money- Invest-Patience-Re-Analyse-Courage – Money -Invest.
Nothing can generate money more than money itself. If you really want to be warren buffer then start thinking like Buffet.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Does buying real estate make sense?

Real estate is an asset that carries considerable real time value. It’s not just the returns that you can generate by selling it but really the primary support factor of shelter and living. Does buying real estate really make sense now? Well, I think it does make a lot of logic to invest into real estate at any period of time. Just have a look at the way our economy has progressed in the past 50 years or so.

Real estate carries a lot of intrinsic value. You can buy stocks, you can put in secure funds but when it comes to the king of all investments it has to be real estate. Something, I bought 30 years ago is now worth 50 times in value. Would you say the same thing for a stock market investment? Probably not!! Also, the fear of investing in stock market is much more because of the inability to digest notional losses.

Let me ask you a simple question. If you have $100,000 then would you invest in Stocks or in Real estate?

You can say none if you are very pessimistic on the performance of both. But think of it holistically, Real estate will give the best possible returns and you even have the luxury of renting your apartment or living in your house yourself. So, where’s the risk? Assume you are looking at a time span of 20 years. Do you really think real estate might turn out as negative investment? You must be kidding!! Stocks might turn out that way but real estate will never be on the downside.

The foremost factor to realise here is the necessity of people. The requirements of a normal man keep on growing. With the growing population and rising requirements, real estate has to be at a premium. Map to the average rate of inflation and the growing prices of construction raw materials. With real estate you will grow more than inflation for sure.

If you really want to take any risk then take it in something that you know is worthwhile. Invest in real estate now else it would be too late and you don’t really want to miss the bus. Do you?

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to build your personality?

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Someone has superbly coined this phrase. Do you care about just the physical appearance of the person? Your features are really one of the aspects of beauty but not the inner beauty. You can be look stunning and have the oomph to make people turn around and look at you but that’s not all that you need. You can be without all those facets and yet create an aura which can be unforgettable. Just imagine how impressive your character would be if you aren’t a great communicator. Let’s say you don’t know how to dress up but you look great. You can still create an impression but the chances of you influencing 99 out of 100 people are rare.

So how to create a dazzling personality that just captivates and charms people?
Remember that your face is really a gift of god. You can’t change it but you can do a lot of things to use it effectively. You might not have the features but you must remember that everyone has a unique face and you must know how to use it. You must try to understand the expressions that gel with your face. The way you smile, the way you react to questions, the way you express anguish, the way you react to stiff challenges are the things that really determine your personality. The best way to be is to be natural. Being natural is extremely important as you really carry your own identity. Your expressions are really your best assets. If you are not expressive then your persona becomes a meagre plastic identity. At every second in your life you will get an opportunity to improve on this aspect. Just try to be naturally the best.

Your second aspect is the way you talk. Humble, elegant communication is a great eye-catcher. This is probably the most important aspect of your personality. The first impression is always the way you speak.

You must try to excel in your communication. How to say things the best? What is the right time to say it? How to use the language more effectively? How to change your tone? How to present yourself while talking? And finally!! How to talk with different type of people? You got to do it yourself in the manner that works for you. You can determine how best it works based on the reaction of people. Every experience will teach you new things to change your personality.

Dress, Attire Costume is the next factor that builds your personality. But it’s important to remember that you can’t make an impression unless you have the first 2 things in place.
A blend of all 3 factors will make you a classy personality.
What do you think? Are there any other things that you can think of?

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to pick up the best stocks?

You can be in a real dilemma to pick up the best stocks for long term investment. Let’s make your approach a bit simple.

The first and foremost thing you need to consider in a stock market investment is the type of business the company is involved it. Mechanical and production industry dominated in the 80’s and early 90’s. But would you invest in these industries today. Probably, not as much as you would have done 20 years back. Telecom and IT was probably booming and the right choice in early 2000. Today, the market is changing more towards social networking and other media companies. So, sector selection is a crucial factor in your stock market exposure. You might even choose to go with the evergreen sector viz. pharmaceuticals, FMCG and healthcare industries.

The second aspect of your selection is to choose the most reputed company in that industry. Here you can almost guarantee some sure-shot gains. But you need to be aware that such companies are already available at higher valuations. Evaluate if they can provide returns at the same rate for the next 10 years. If not then rule them out. Go for emerging businesses with great promise, robust business model and great leadership. These might really prove beneficial in the long run and provide exponential returns on investment. Remember not to go with companies because someone said that it has the potential. Evaluate the potential yourself by proper research because after all it is your own money.

Never buy the stocks in bulk at one time. Always make systematic investments at regular time intervals. When the market is down don’t panic, just go ahead and buy more. This will bring down your average costs and your returns will be significantly higher.

Buy stocks that provide dividends. Such stocks are more likely to be doing well. But again, this may not be necessarily true. So, your research on other aspects like corporate governance, Earnings per share, P/E ratio and Book value still stands huge significance.

If you really need to buy the best stocks thorough research is a must. Just remember the basic rule of stock market investing: “You don’t need to buy a great company at a high price, what you really need to do is to buy an emerging company at a low and fair price”.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How not to Blog

It’s difficult to determine what can get you traffic. You really need proper analysis of the trends. Things might work differently for different people. It would be impossible to gauge the real plus and minus points. What works very well for you might not work very well for me. A bill gates writing a blog on MS windows 2015 might be crowd puller but if you and me do it might literally flop. The logic that probably goes behind it is the credibility, authenticity and more than anything terrific marketing.
Blogging is an art. Now, unless you are writing for the world audience, blogging just about anything doesn’t make sense. Let’s say you blog about the different apps on the latest android phone. There is nothing wrong with the idea. But you just created this blog in a technology channel which is more to do with iPads. Although your blog is very well written, it might not be the eye-catcher. It’s as simple as that. Let me give another example, you published a blog on pudding pancakes and pasted the link on your facebook wall. Now, if your friend circle consists of a majority of men and that too mostly from Asia then it’s hardly going to get noticed. Asians don’t eat pancakes really. But the same blog might do well with American and European groups.
I am not saying you must not write what you think about. But even if you write you must be able to relate with your audience. Writing about something thinking that someone will find it interesting doesn’t make sense. The blog should really appeal you first. The idea must be innovative and something that you can associate with your audience. Writing a blog on Y2K is not going to work in 2012. Yes, it could have gone viral in 2000 but it would simply go unnoticed today. Internet is full of young crowd. Someone is not going to be interested in reading about Y2K as he would be interested in reading about iPhone 6. You really got to give something unique that clicks with the time and generation. Timing of the blog is critical.

If you have sameness in your blogging style then you are doomed for sure. 5 blogs in a row on How to make money online and you screw yourself royally. This will not work. People need something new. Repetitive stuff is as good as spamming. You must be aware that you are writing because there is an audience out there who needs stuff. If they already have or can find it elsewhere then there is no reason to provide the same thing as it’s not going to add any value.

Enhance you knowledge by reading, try something different, check out other people’s work, get some inspiration, relate with your audience and then only create your blogs.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Get some classy Picture frames

Who doesn’t like to cherish the most wonderful moments of life. Camera unleashed an amazing revolution that really captured the real-time images of people and provided a historical appeal to pictures. You just tend to remember pictures and bring back that nostalgia. It always provides you some great memories. Most of the times, your memories are really the drivers for your future. People tend to get inspired and at times motivated just by seeing pictures. Trust me!! That’s true. The historic battle of Waterloo, pictures of Alexander the great and your very own childhood moments can really be your inspirational partners.
So how do you captivate all these memories and keep them with you. You need nice and trendy Picture frames. You don’t want your photograph to lose its charm. Do you? You want to preserve these throughout your lifetime. Just imagine, you got a great photograph of Mount Fuji in Japan. It’s covered with snow and you really want to keep it with you. 30 years down the line when you look at this picture it should bring back some of those great memories that you experienced in Japan. It really needs to retain that aesthetic sense to captivate hearts. How do you do that? You just can’t keep it in some drawer of your cupboard which you are hardly going to see often. Get a wooden rectangular picture frame cover it with glass and preserve this priceless memory forever.

You loved your grandma very much and you really want her to be with you. She was your great moral support. Get an Oval picture frame, decorate the boundaries with some paper flowers and tie this wonderful frame in your drawing room. You will always have your grandma with you.

Oh you just came to know that your wife is pregnant. That’s a great feeling. Bring her some great picture frames of beautiful babies. Pamper her. She will love it. A galaxy of pictures all around your home and that too inside amazing picture frames really provides a fantabulous visual appeal.

How often do you think, what if you had preserved that beautiful picture of you with The great Pele in the early 70’s. You had that picture with you but somehow it got misplaced. The feeling that you got at that moment was out of the world. But it would have been there throughout your life had you preserved that great moment with the greatest soccer stars of the century. You really needed to get a picture frame to store that wonderful instant in your heart and mind forever.

Classy picture frames not only help in preserving your photos but retain their true value. You can decorate them with some amazing decoration items. Add some color to your life. Get good quality picture frames to enhance your moments and make them rich and joyous.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Choose the best Web hosting provider

Web hosting has undergone amazing changes in the past few years. In this column, I am going to highlight some of the most common web hosting trends. You really need to choose the hosting service that you think will make a difference to your business.

The concept of cloud came into existence a long time ago. It is only in the recent times that it has gained a lot of limelight. Cloud is generally a private network that provides you a variety of services. Let’s take a simple example of an ecommerce website. The site is designed to cater to a variety of audience. Some of them are marketing affiliates, some of them are product manufacturers and some of them are buyers. Now every entity needs a service that helps them to do certain tasks. A product manufacturer makes different products available to the affiliates for marketing. The affiliates would generally market these products and the buyers would buy them if they are convinced. You don’t really need all the services to be available at all times. This not only eats your memory resources and bandwidth but also inadvertently increases the operational costs of your business. Cloud provides everything on-demand. You don’t get something unless you explicitly request for it. All these services are stored over a private cloud. Cloud web hosting has grown in popularity for the simple reason that it comes at an affordable cost.

The world is going green. People want to deal with eco-friendly things for the primary reason that they want to minimize the impact on the environment. Now what are these eco-friendly options? Something that conserves energy by making natural use of energy resources is typically classified at eco-friendly. Solar energy web hosting is very predominant. It transforms heat energy from sun into power used for hosting applications. Wind energy is also a viable form but it requires considerable investment in the form of wind mills.

The 3rd form utilises full-fledged servers for hosting your applications or websites. Now this is a costly option as all services are exclusive for your website and application. It needs a lot of investment on physical servers.

Now, you can really minimize the costs by using shared web hosting services. These are used by multiple applications or websites and thus the costs get shared. Security and privacy can be an issue. But generally the web hosting provider will take care of it by providing you secured encryption. Since it is based on concept of virtual servers it doesn’t impact the running of applications if the maintenance of one server is going on. However, if the physical server is taken down then all applications or websites will get impacted.
Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla services provide quality web hosting platform. These are great tools because they are available for free and provide good quality templates and themes to design effective websites.

Reseller business is also common in web hosting but these would be typically charged more. Always choose a quality hosting service provider because that determines the success of your business.

Setup your own Sushi business

Sushi is a tempting Japanese recipe comprising of cooked rice and raw fish. The rice is generally dipped in Vinegar before presenting. Kansai and Kanto styles are very popular form of food. Some of the common dishes include Chirashi-Zushi, Nigarizushi, Chakin-zushi, makizushi, and Narezushi. Western world is very much fond of these amazing delicacies.

If you want to setup a business related to Sushi then you have multiple options. You can be an affiliate for supplying various ingredients. These would include raw fish, tuna, octopus, rice and utensils required for cooking. You will need a thorough understanding of the Sushi business. You will also need great marketing skills to tie-up with different restaurants.

Another great business idea is opening a sushi restaurant on your own. You need to understand the dynamics of such a business. You need to formulate a well-defined business strategy. A proper business plan would help you to execute your strategy. You must do proper analysis of the rental charges, cost of food ingredients, Cost incurred on good chefs, infrastructure maintenance costs, support staff expenses and other miscellaneous charges. You must try to estimate your average turnover per day. If it is really a valuable proposition then it makes sense to go with this idea.

You will need to identify a great location for your sushi restaurant. If you open a restaurant in a small town or a remote place then it will undoubtedly turn out to be a disaster. It has to be at a place where there is a lot of crowd. A popular city mall or a busy downtown street would be an ideal location. You really need to offset your expenses by creating valuable customers.

There are a lot of restaurants so you would really want to create your own unique identity. You need to hire trained and skilled chefs, who are expert in preparing sushi. Every chef has his own speciality so you will need to appoint multiple cooks for creating different recipes. This will help in bringing distinctiveness to your recipes. People must remember your restaurant for the quality and variety of food.

You will need to buy some good quality cooking utensils for your chefs. Some of the things that you really need to in your sushi restaurant are Rice cookers, Bamboo mats, special knives and cases, rice paddles, rice containers, Serving trays, sake bottle, Water pitcher, tea pot, bowls, chopsticks, soya sauce bottles, soup spoons and plates.

You might have the greatest sushi food but if your ambience and customer service is not of high quality then customers are likely to ignore you. You need to provide your customers a unique Japanese-style ambience and hospitality. Your support staff must be modest and warm. They must be able to provide a feeling of ease to all customers. Soothing lights and elegant decor will surely influence your customers. You can also offer special discounts to loyal customers for improving your relationship. This can be anything like 20% off on food or a pint of beer and some assortments with each dish.

Sushi provides you a remarkable business opportunity.

Things to consider before moving into a new home

Are you moving into a new home? If you are then you need to ensure that you take care of certain things to aid in smoother transfer. Movement to a new house is not always easy. Unless you are just moving into the house next door, you really need a lot of planning. So, let’s analyse the things with a deeper perspective.
So what if your new house is 50 miles apart which means you have virtually changed the city you are living in. You can’t do everything on your own and you really need some specialised assistance. So who can transfer your stuff with perfection and without any damage to your goods? Obviously you need a movers and packers. If that’s not enough you need to get the suitable dates and timings of their services. It is very difficult to schedule an appointment at the last moment. You are talking about the entire home movement which means it just can’t be done in a day. You need at least 3-4 days to complete the transfer process. What do you do? Create a meticulous plan with a list of things and the dates when you need them to go.

Basic bare minimums must go early. Things of less importance can take their time. What should go early? Your bathroom and toilet accessories take major precedence. Get your sofas and beds out early. You might need them if you decide to spend a night in the new place. Don’t get all your beds out in one go. If you plan to stay in your old house you don’t want to sleep on the floor. Do you?

Take your wardrobe stuff out one by one. You might need to take your entire cupboard out at once. But that can be a bit unwitty decision. If you plan to spend a day or two in the old house, you would need some of the stuff to stay right there.

Planning will help you. Discuss with your spouse and come up with a crisp plan. Don’t include items that are not going to be of any help in your new home. What’s the logic behind having your old curtains and mats moved to your new house? They are definitely not going to look great. A better idea would be to scrap of for some money or sell it to the buyer of your new home. Don’t create room for unnecessary things in your new house. That doesn’t mean you should break your kid’s heart by discarding his toys. That’s not going to help either. You must always give some room for emotions and make the movement pleasurable.

Stay true to your plan and Schedule dates with the Movers service. Stay calm and patient. This will make sure your transfer is very smooth.

My visit to Japan - The divine gift of nature

My visit to Japan was a meagre fluke. A lucky draw got me a prized trip of this island country. Lufthansa carried me to the Narita International Airport and I was standing right there in the 'Land of the rising sun'.

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon and I planned to discover the gorgeousness of Japan. I decided to uncover 'Mount Fuji' from Hakone. It was one of the most breath-taking bus journeys and I could easily view the natural beauty of this magical country. It took me 2 hours to reach and there I was standing right in front of one of the most mesmerizing mountains in the world. I travelled to the far end and visited the Five lakes of Fuji to catch another sight of this heavenly attraction. I was completely stunned by the beauty of Mt Fuji.

Next day was my cultural expedition of Japan. Matsumoto castle is a very renowned historical castle and is considered one of the natural treasures of Japan. The amazing Stone figures and the old-style vintage wooden entrances left me literally dumbfounded.

Tuesday was the day to uncover Ginza. It had some incredible shopping malls. Ginza has just about everything. From fashion to technology, you say it and it has it. I did purchase some amazing antique jewellery for my wife. In the evening, I had variety of options for food but I tried to taste the Japanese delicacies. The Sushi in the cosy Japanese bar was mind-blowing.

Wednesday was reserved for Niseko . This is another glamorous location on the Hokkaido Island. The blissful and aesthetically appealing Ezo Fuji is a nature's paradise embossed with profound magnificence. You can find a number of hot water springs and skiing places just around the corner.

On Thursday, I enjoyed a great time at the Todai-ji Hall and Kumamoto castle. These are some of the best structures in the world. You would be thrilled by the type of carvings and structures that this place has. Both places provide a true cultural bonanza. These are definitely a must watch if you ever visit Japan.

Friday was my last day and I decided to visit some temples. The Kencho-ji and Jochi-ji temples have some of the most unblemished structures full of traditional values. I tried to spend some time in Shinjuku. The gardens were very imposing and provided great recreation.

Japan is a fantastic tourist destination and you must really visit this unforgettable country at least once in your lifetime.

How to do swift trading - Scalping

Ever wondered how to take advantage of the volatility in the stock market? You really can do a lot to use these dynamic fluctuations to your advantage. The technique is called scalping. You might also call it as swift trading. The concept is amazing and runs in symphony with this amazingly swift world. You really got to change your attitude and actions and be in harmony with the market. Never tie your emotions with the market. Scalping does precisely that in unbelievably shorter span of time. You buy something now and you sell it off within a minute.

If you hold your stock for more than 2 minutes then that doesn’t qualify under the heading of ‘Scalping. In scalping you just don’t hold any position for more than 2 minutes. Some experts might consider even 2 minutes as a lot of time. The idea is to create multiple positions every moment. Let’s imagine you are scalping a particular stock. You bought 10000 stocks of the company at a price of $10.20. In 60 seconds the price fluctuates to $10.25. Would you sell it? In ideal trading you might want to gain more profit and recover from brokerage charges. However, in scalping you will sell it and swiftly switch to take another position.

Vow!!! That’s remarkable. Scalping requires you to have specific trading accounts that are actually tuned for such sort of trade. It works on the concept of volume and the brokerage charges are minimal. So even if you make 1 cent profit on each stock and if you have a volume of 10000 stocks then it effectively means you just made a profit of $100. You don’t really need to tie any emotional attachment to your stocks. Just execute the position swiftly and stand by your rules. Your scalps can go wrong. That’s the reason you need to have a strict stoploss for all your positions. On a bad day you can lose some money. But that’s how it works. You win some you lose some. If you have more wins than loses then you are a good scalper.

There are many tools in the market that help scalping swiftly. These tools provide you a lot of technical and fundamental tips on what to scalp and when. So, if you have great inner strength, patience and ability to stand by your decisions then scalping is for you. If not, then just stay away from it.

Top 5 Tips to lose weight after pregnancy

You need to eat some good stuff during your pregnancy. It not only makes your baby hale and hearty but also keeps you revitalised. But after your pregnancy, how do you really remove all that fat and come back to your normal shape? Most women would agree that it never happens naturally. You need to take some special care. Here are some tips that will help you:

Tip #1: Did someone tell you that you need to follow a strict diet? Well, that's the most common misconception. You really don't need any rigorous diet. It will only intensify your cravings and increase your stress level. This might not be the best choice to support your baby, especially if you are breastfeeding. The ideal thing to do is to have a good intake of nutritious food at regular time intervals. Avoid eating junk food because that's probably one of the foremost causes of body fat. Keep some nutritious stuff near you so that you would find it any time. Have lots and lots of fresh fruits and boiled or roasted vegetables. Fresh Apple juice, carrots, Sweet lime juice, Radishes, broccoli, spinach and corn flakes will provide you some great nourishment. No matter how much you have put on, ensure you have daily intake of around 1850 calories.

Tip #2: You really need to drink a lot of fluids. Water is a natural healer. It not only improves the blood circulation across your body but also doesn't allow you to eat much. Whenever you feel you want to eat something that really isn't a great food for you and your baby, drink a lot of water. It will help you to reduce your intake of such food. A lot of stress is harmful to your body and it also causes weight gain. Water is also a tremendous stress reliever. So, if you are tensed, drink a full glass of water and release all your pressure.

Tip #3: You can't reduce your weight unless you take proper rest. The logic is very simple. Sleep provides the required strength for your body to recover from daily strain. If you sleep less your body needs more energy to recuperate. This directly impacts the eating habits. You try to eat more and gain a lot of weight. After pregnancy, you are coming up from huge transformation. Ensure that you sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Tip #4: Are you breastfeeding your baby? If yes, then that might really help you to reduce your weight. Breastfeeding is a natural way to burn your calories. A lot of scientific studies have proven that breastfeeding burns at least 500 calories every day. You might want to try this out but be extra-careful and don't overeat.

Tip #5: Fat always accumulates in body parts where it is difficult to get rid of it. You really don't need to join a gym. A daily walk with your baby in the park will help to charge up your body. You can also try yoga and some light aerobic exercises. They will help to energise your muscles and reduce your weight after pregnancy.

It depends on how well you use these tips. If you really want to be in good shape then you need to follow these quite religiously. Don't crave for size zero. After all, some fat is really good to have. Isn't it?

The greatest Indian Test cricketer ever

So who do you think is the best Indian test cricketer ever? There are a lot of choices to choose from. Right from Ranjeet Singhji, Mansoor ali khan patuadi to Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar and Sachin Tendulkar. But when it comes to Test cricket there is only one name ‘Rahul Sharad Dravid’

While it would be impossible to evaluate each one of them quantitatively and qualitatively you can just pitch in with your preferences. Each one of these players played in a different era all together. Some had great technique, some excelled in the courage of conviction, some of them excelled in their timing and variety of shots. Each one of them had qualities absolutely unique and different from others. The one important quality they all had was the sheer greatness and magic.

If someone asks me an opinion then I would still rate Rahul Dravid as one of the biggest stalwarts of great. That’s my personal opinion. I have seen this guy play for his country for nearly 16 years and I never got a feeling that he didn’t offer his best. Obviously, Dravid is one of technically best batsman in the world. Now you can’t just compare him with any others in his generation. Sachin Tendulkar truly dominated more than 2 decades because of his sheer class and quantity of runs he scored. We all respect him for that. But when you ask me who is a better test cricketer, my answer would always be Dravid. He didn’t have the flamboyance of Tendulkar but he was there when the team needed him. He stood like a real wall when India needed him.

Not only that, he willingly performed all roles that his team wanted him. Ask him to keep behind the wickets when the team needed a wicket keeper batsman or captaining the side when the team needed a senior player to perform the role.

Dravid was a true charisma that enlightened Indian cricket from 1996 -2012. My personal feeling is that we might have another bradman or a Lara but we would never have a Dravid again.

How to earn money while you sleep?

Ever wondered how your money could multiply while you are sleeping. Yes, indeed your money can increase multiple times and you can simply relax while this happens. Every person would love to have a magic wagon that simply doubles and triples your wealth. This looks like wishful thinking. Is it realistically possible?

Well, you need proper planning to make this a reality. Here is how you can do it. Make sure to keep cash only so much that you really need. Don’t stuff cash in your home. It would simply lie and you won’t earn any interest on it. Invest in some good real estate that has significant potential to grow. That’s a real asset. It will automatically increase your asset valuation. Gold and silver are great tools of investment. However you must decide the right time to invest and then only choose them.

You can do some good amount of freelancing to take care of your pockets. Now, increasing your wealth while you are sleeping can be done by some innovative ways as well. Write some great articles and market them well during your day time. Make effective use of social network like facebook and twitter. Publish your articles on your wall before you sleep. Just imagine you have a network of 5000 fans. Now even if half the folks visit your article you would receive 2500 hits on your 1 article. That’s really a fabulous number of hits. You might receive 3 $ in a day for that 1 article. Isn’t that amazing? Now let’s say you publish the article on your wall for an entire week. You would definitely get close to 10000 hits. 11$ for an article in a week and you can simply gain money anytime you want by using good network marketing skills.

So what are you thinking of? You can gain a lot of money even while you are sleeping. It’s just a matter of doing things innovatively and having some patience.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Do you really need an architect for your home?

One of the foremost things that I question myself while deciding about my house is ‘Do I really need an Architect?’ Now, it’s a difficult question to answer for all of us. Every person has his own preferences and choice of structure. No two people think the same. So, will an architect make a difference?
My practical experience says that qualification and skills take precedence over sheer amateur stuff. I would rather go with a talented architect who will provide a structure that grabs everyone’s attention. The point is quite simple. When you and I think about our house, we have a fixed bias and don’t really evaluate all the aspects to come to a conclusion. Whatever we do is considering only one or at most 2 dimensions and that literally kills the aesthetic sense. A talented architect not only provides glamour to your home but also tells you what can be done and how it can be done better.

Everyone wants his house to look the best. I would be surprised if someone says that the appearance of the house doesn’t really matter to him. I agree your house can be small but still you need to do the most optimum arrangement in your house to make it look great. A great house is really a giant step towards producing great people. Isn’t it?

So how would an architect help you? These are really skilled artisans who have gained a lot from the practical exposure they have. They can easily tell you which model of dining table naturally blends with your dining room. They will be able to make a choice between the use of marble and porcelain tiles and this is what will provide the true artistic appeal to your home.

I for that matter used to think that I am probably the best architect when it comes to designing my home. But I was wrong. When I handed over the task to a professional architect he changed the décor of the house and made it look amazingly bright.

So all in all, if you could get an affordable architect just go for it.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

How to market a small business?

Marketing forms the crucial aspect of any type of business. Now, if your business is small then you need to have classic marketing strategies to publicize it. It all depends on the domain your business operates in, the amount of marketing revenue you can spend and your target consumer.

Let’s imagine your business is all about providing some different types of raw material required for the shipping business. The cost of your entire business is around $10000 and you typically supply raw materials based on demand. The shipping sector operates mainly in the coastal areas. The primary mode of marketing to this sector is through word of mouth publicity and advertisement through newspapers. Now internet marketing is just an overhead. If you know your audience and your mission is to only operate in a specific area then you really don’t need web marketing. Do you?

What you can do though is to publicise yourself by more manual means. Get an advertisement of yourself on some popular local newspapers. Keep on doing it for 4-5 weeks and make sure that it always appears in the middle section of the newspaper. It would be great if you keep your inflow of ads on the weekends. That’s when typically people will catch hold you. Make sure that you create rapport with highly influential people in your area. This will do wonders. You need a sound political support if you need to grow in a small business in a very concentrated region.

While I just said that web marketing is not for you. You might need to validate the same. Now it all depends on the consumer that you are targeting. Imagine that your consumer has great web presence. In this scenario, you would need to be intelligent enough to create a wave of web marketing for your own business as well. But make sure that you don’t spend like anything for the heck of getting a business and run out of cash.

The idea is to slowly and cautiously use the web marketing channel. It’s not really suitable for all small businesses. Build your customer relationship first. Without a powerful bond with your users you will never succeed in a small business. Web marketing must take the least priority.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar

Get the home of your choice using Bridging loans

You really have found a great property to invest in but you need to be very swift in decision making to get hold of this fabulous opportunity. One of the things that you have decided is to sell your old house in the town and get the cash to finance this new home. The idea is correct but to implement it you need some financial institution to provide you quick loans.

Bridge loans are precisely these. They help you bridge the gap between an opportunity lost and an opportunity gained. If you are struggling for liquidity then bridge loans would ensure that you get the required amount swiftly and you don’t miss the bus.

How is a bridge loan different from a home loan?

Bridge loan is typically for shorter duration for financing real estate. You need to go through a lot of financial documentation and approvals to get your home loans sanctioned. If you really waited for that much amount of time then you will never be able to utilise an available chance. Bridge loans come primarily in 2 types Closed Bridge loans and Open Bridge loans.

The concept behind Open bridge loans is that you need a pre-defined exit for your loan. So what happens if you default the monthly loan EMI. The bank needs to have rights on your property to reimburse the amount if it gets defaulted. This is a secure mode for the lender because there is a guarantee that they will recover the money provided to the borrower. The rate of interest is also comparatively lower than closed bridge loans.

Closed Bridge loans don’t have a pre-defined exit. Which means the bank or the lending institution doesn’t have any established means of getting money from the borrower in case of default payments. This is very risky for financial institution. This option typically has higher rate of interests. Closed Bridge loans are offered for very short durations ranging from 1 day to 6 months.

As a borrower, you would need to choose the best suited option for you. So, if you ever face a liquidity crunch for investing in real estate then go for Bridging loans.

All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar