Do you really think there is life after death?
My friend Peter told me about a real life incident. His father’s office was in Chicago Downtown. On his way from Deerfield there is place called Buffalo Grove. One of his father’s friends had recently shifted from Detroit. He had a small son ‘Brian’ around 5-6 years age.
At that time, Peter was around 17 years of age and was studying at Illinois University. Peter and his dad were visiting this friend after 8 years. Peter had never expected what was going to be in store next. Bell rang!! Friend’s son opened the door and to everyone’s surprise he got hold of peter’s hand and said ‘ Hi Peter, It’s been such a long time. How are you doing? It’s been ages since we met’
That was a shocker. Peter replied ‘we never mate buddy’ But the boy asked him to show the mark on his legs. Peter was stunned,’ How anyone on earth knows about an injury that happened 10 years ago ’ Peter starred at his father curiously. The father asked him ‘ How do you know son?’ The answer that he got left everyone shocked. It seemed as if Peter and Jack were very close school friends. Once, while crossing the road both had met with a fatal accident. Somehow, Peter was able to survive with some wounds. But Jack left the world. He was reborn as Brian and somehow could recollect Peter and his father.
I don’t know really how much reality is there in this story. It might be a sheer coincidence. But it seems that there is life after death. Although, medical science hasn’t been able to prove anything concrete around this, there are many evidences that somehow incline towards this philosophy.
Human soul is energy. Body is destroyed but this energy still prevails. Science tells us energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. So if that’s the case what happens to the soul? It should take life in some another body. Shouldn’t it? What do you think?
All copyrights reserved by Sameer Devalekar
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